Also, honestly, my kid doesn't say as many cute things as he used to. I think this is because he is a genius and so now that he is almost 4, most of the things he says are either totally rational, or so convoluted that they would require pages of explanation. (Such as knowledge of all of the tertiary characters in the Clone Wars. Ugh.)
My New Year's resolution (one of many) is to post more often and not limit myself to CTMKS. I mean I say cute things too! Well, I say things. Also I have seriously neglected posting many of my husband's regional musings. Explosive items to come!
If you must know, my OTHER New Year's resolutions are:
1. Lose 20 pounds.
2. Following loss of 20 pounds, immediately gain 50 pounds.
3. Have baby. Lose 50 pounds.
4. Move.
5. Buy items I do not immediately regret.
6. Be nicer to people.
Other stuff too.
Cheer up! I like Mexican foods too!